How battle tested is your faith? You say you have faith, but is it experiential or merely emotional? Has what you proclaim about your faith come under the fire of real life circumstances? To be a fisher of men means you actually have to go fishing. A self-proclaimed...
“A Sunday school is a prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents.” H. L. Mencken “This Sunday School has been of help to me, greater perhaps than any other force in my Christian life, and I can ask no better things...
Church authority can be a touchy subject nowadays with the “Me†centric society in which we live. We grudgingly or willfully place ourselves under authority everyday. We obey laws, we pay our taxes, and we obey our employers, even if we disagree with them. Why? We...
Our former youth pastor used to tell the teenagers at our church, “Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you what kind of Christian you are.†There is much wisdom in that saying, as our former youth pastor is wise beyond his years. So it is with our current youth...
Last night Karen and I had the privilege of spending election night with Dean and Jan Young and many of his loyal supporters. Dean came up short in his bid for Congress, but as he said, “The whole world took notice because we took on the GOP Establishment and scared...