My Hope Is In The Truth

A dear brother-in-Christ of mine is running for public office and his good name is being smeared by his opponent. What is truly sad is his opponent claims to be a Christian conservative, and yet is knowingly lying about my friend. This is after he has been called on...

Reasons To Believe

How much evidence do you need to believe something? Our judicial system requires a jury to find a defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That means said defendant doesn’t have to prove his innocence; a prosecutor must proved the indicted person guilty beyond a...

The Activity Of Faith

Faith is a noun in the English language. Random House Dictionary defines faith as a “confidence or trust in a person or thing; belief that is not based on proof.” Faith is an important ingredient in the Christian’s life. it not only brings one to salvation, but...

The “Already” And “Not Yet”

We can be somewhere and have yet not arrived. Someone may ask you, “What are you thinking about? Where are you?” Of course if the person is talking to me then I am obviously physically present, but mentally I may have not yet arrived. My mind is somewhere else. If...

Letting Go Of The Future

We have all struggled with our past. Some have needed to forgive others, some have needed to forgive themselves. Holding onto the past is like shackling yourself to a heavy ball and chain. It is spiritual bondage. I have had to let go of many things from my past and...