You can read about my choices for the Santa Rosa County and Florida offices at my Aletheia Group blog.
Some 8 out of 10 Americans describe themselves as Christians. Not surprising, only 1 out 4 Americans (23%) have gone at least a year without attending any type of church service. Of the 23%, “one-third of this segment had never attended a church at any time in their...
One of the first thing good King Hezekiah did was to cleanse the temple. He knew that his forefathers had neglected the House of God and let it be left is disrepair and filled with debris. The king knew that to bring the nation of Israel back to God that he must first...
Every Christian I know and I imagine any that I would ask agrees that our nation needs revival. Where we end up branching off is in the meaning of revival. When you ask the average American Christian if America needs revival I venture to guess most of them want to see...
I received a response from a dear sister-in-Christ to the comments the past two emails I sent out on whether or not we can vote for the lesser of two evils. Understand that this is no simple matter, voting that is. I am glad to see so many Christians thinking through...