Mocking Jesus

There are times when I forget that I am going to have to give an account for every action and word I take and speak. Thankfully, God gives me reminders of this eternal truth and one such reminder came yesterday at church. Our pastor is preaching on Christ’s seven...

Cutting Through the Deception

Random House Dictionary defines deception as, “The state of being deceived.” It further defines deceive “To mislead by a false appearance or statement; delude.” The biggest deceivers in our lives are usually us. I can convince myself that I am living a life...

Seeking My Own Desires

When I want to get my own way, I make sure no one is in my way. What I mean is I don’t seek the counsel of others; in fact, I avoid it. The Bible warns against such foolishness: “A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise...

Rejecting Cain’s Worship

Have you ever heard someone say, “I can worship God anyway and anywhere I want?” Perhaps you’ve said or thought this. I know it is a convenient thought, but convenience is rarely the path we should take. When it comes to worshipping God, we have to do as He...

Losing Authority

Recently in a Wednesday night Bible study, our pastor Brother Dennis said something that really struck a chord in my life: “When we trash people, we lose authority. Not trashing others protects me from me.” If I could drop the mike writing a devotional, I’d walk...