Well my endorsement of Fred Thompson is being carried by as many as 12 main websites in the blogosphere. I have received some great questions from fellow Christians and I’ve received some hate mail from “Christians.”
Once again, if you’ve not already read it, Frank Salvato of the New Media Journal has published my article explaining why I’m not a Huckabee fan. Please read “An Evangelical’s Huckabee Hesitancy” and thanks in advance for passing the word!
Hi Dave, both are good articles, and you make good cases why Thompson is much more conservative in ways that evengelicals should be going after. I’ll always like Mike- as far as his decent and moral Christian principals, but as far as conservatism goes- there’s not much difference between him and any social minded democrat- history and the Bible have proven that big government will never be as effective in social issues than the churches and charitable minded public. Thank you Dave- as always, you keep us well informed! God Bless~ Carolyn