Your Today Is My Everyday

Karen and I received wonderful emails and phone calls yesterday from people around the country letting us know that they were thinking of and praying for our families on Memorial Day. We don’t do Memorial Day services; that’s one hurdle we haven’t jumped over....

The Last Full Measure

Can you believe that Memorial Day Weekend is already upon us?! Summer begins and this week it got a head start here in Florida with the temperature warming up and the humidity rising. A new season is upon us! This weekend is always bittersweet for me. It will be the...

Is It Easier To Doubt Or Harder To Believe?

Driving into work yesterday, I was listening to my iPod and a song by Sanctus Real came on titled “These Things Take Time” and the second stanza goes like this: I wanna know why you gave me eyes When faith is how I see And tell me Is it easier to doubt Or harder...

A Divine Covenant – Part Two

Aren’t you glad that God does not forget His covenants, even though we who claim to be His disciples do? America not only has forgotten her covenant with God, but our leaders have forgotten His with Israel. Part of the problem is that we have a serious leadership...

A Divine Covenant – Part One

In light of Barack Obama’s speech yesterday, I did my very first video blog titled “Middle East Madness. You can view it below: As I was meditating on the subject after taping the video, I was taken back to the Abrahamic Covenant, a divine covenant God made with...