The Specter of Arlen

Much gnashing of teeth over Arlen Specter leaving the Republican Party. I for one am glad to see him go. Read my latest article “The Specter of Arlen” at the New Media Journal.

Pray For Our People

NOTE: I write a daily devotional and I have decided to publish on my blog a series I will be writing on the Book of Nehemiah; this is the first installment. After all, this is called “Salt and Light”. Last night as I was reading the first chapter in the...

Misguided Pastor

On Saturday I posted a video about a Baptist pastor who was beaten by the Arizona State Troopers. I was a little too sensitive last week with the tea parties, the release of the DHS Right Wing Extremism Memo, and the press’ handling of it. Those are not excuses...

Baptist pastor beaten & tazed by Border Patrol

I want you to watch this video and then come back for my comments and an action plan: Thomas Jefferson wrote: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume...

Stand By Me

I know that I promised you we would finish up the Deace/Minnery interview but I somewhat bushed tonight; please forgive me. I would like to share with you an amazing video my dear friend Dino Minutillo share with me. Here are his words describing the video. Enjoy and...