Much gnashing of teeth over Arlen Specter leaving the Republican Party. I for one am glad to see him go. Read my latest article “The Specter of Arlen” at the New Media Journal.
NOTE: I write a daily devotional and I have decided to publish on my blog a series I will be writing on the Book of Nehemiah; this is the first installment. After all, this is called “Salt and Light”. Last night as I was reading the first chapter in the...
On Saturday I posted a video about a Baptist pastor who was beaten by the Arizona State Troopers. I was a little too sensitive last week with the tea parties, the release of the DHS Right Wing Extremism Memo, and the press’ handling of it. Those are not excuses...
I want you to watch this video and then come back for my comments and an action plan: Thomas Jefferson wrote: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume...
I know that I promised you we would finish up the Deace/Minnery interview but I somewhat bushed tonight; please forgive me. I would like to share with you an amazing video my dear friend Dino Minutillo share with me. Here are his words describing the video. Enjoy and...