A Proud Conservative American Of Hispanic Descent

The following is an email I received from my co-worker and brother in Christ David Triana. He was commenting on an email I sent about taking action to oppose the Sotomayor nomination. As he signs his letter, David is a proud Conservative American of Hispanic descent....

The Shirker Award

I’ve come up with a new award and with the help of Jason Zoglmann we have developed a mascot for our award. You might remember a blog post I made titled “Grand Ole Plan” (and yes Lance you did send this to me). Anyway, the GOP had a cute little...

They Came To The Land Of Canaan

One of this morning’s headlines on The Drudge Report reads: “Obama calls on Israel to halt settlements…” The settlements are in the West Bank, a portion of land on the west bank of the Jordan River, which is part of biblical Canaan. Canaan is the land that God...

They Were Considered Faithful

Nehemiah was a man of his word. If you remember back in Nehemiah 2, a deal was made for Nehemiah to go to Jerusalem and then return: “Then the king said to me (the queen also sitting beside him), ‘How long will your journey be? And when will you return?’ So it...

California Gay Marriage Hoax

No doubt many pro-family organizations and individuals are rejoicing over the California Supreme Court’s ruling today on Proposition 8, which defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman. What will probably be lost in all the celebration is the...