Last Sunday our associate pastor, Dr. Pete Belmain, preached from Luke 2. I know you might be thinking, “Ah, another Christmas Story sermon.†While Brother Pete encouraged the family tradition of reading the Christmas Story in Luke 2:1-19, he said he wanted to...
While driving to work last Friday morning, I was listening to K-LOVE and one of the morning DJs, Amy, shared an interesting statistic. She said that one-third of the people polled said that going to church was very important to them. She did not share who conducted...
Yesterday during at the beginning of his sermon, our Associate Pastor Rev. Pete Belmain made the following declaration: “I’m sure there are lots of churches up and down this highway giving feelgood sermons. This nation doesn’t need anymore feelgood...
Random House Dictionary defines deception as, “The state of being deceived.†It further defines deceive “To mislead by a false appearance or statement; delude.†The biggest deceivers in our lives are usually us. I can convince myself that I am living a life...
Men are using ladies’ bathrooms. Government is so corrupt that we willingly support morally corrupt candidates. Society is so debased that it opposes any biblical standards. Christians compromise their beliefs because it is the road less traveled. Is there any hope...