Shallow Pleasure

Outside of Islam, the greatest threat to America is our national debt. The amount of money our government spends on trivial and unconstitutional entitlements is the product of a deep-seated malady. Americans have a stuff problem, otherwise known as materialism. Of...

The Revenue of the Wicked

Yesterday I was part of an email conversation that was discussing the coming collapse or correction to the market and how to prepare for it. The conversation brought me back to a verse I read last Saturday that just rose up from the page and I know the Lord wanted me...

Fixed Principles

Our pastor Bro Dennis is beginning a men’s study on leadership. Men, if you are a member of Midway Baptist Church or live in the Florida Panhandle, please consider this an invitation to join us on Monday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 (Bible Study begins at 6:30). I am...

Profitable Even In This Present World

This past Tuesday our nation’s debt rose to 16 trillion dollars. I spell that out because I’m not really sure how many zeroes it takes to write it out numerically (I think it is 12). That comes out to over $53,000 owed by every man, woman, and child. Is debt...

The Interest Of Our Souls Ought To Be Preferred

In case you forgot, today is Tax Day and your taxes are due today. Karen and I paid ours Sunday night through the convenience of the internet. There are among some fringe “Christian” movements the idea that we do not have to pay our taxes because the federal...