Matthew West has a new song titled “Do Something.†In this song he talks about Christians who “live like angels of apathy,†when it comes to serving and taking care of the needs of the needy. Imagine if angels were as apathetic as Christians. What if the 80/20...
Last night before our men’s ministry meeting began, I had the opportunity to share with some men at our table that God is showing me that our service to Jesus should be a form of worship. In fact I said that the next time I am thanked for doing something in the...
This weekend while working in the yard I was listening to music on my iPod as is my custom. One of my favorite Christian artists, someone Karen and I have had the pleasure of meeting a couple of times, is Mark Harris, formerly of 4Him who is now a very successful solo...
If you ever want to be more like Jesus, then serve His flock. When you think of all the lessons Jesus taught us about being a servant leader, what example in the Bible comes to mind? That’s right, Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. “So when He had washed...
Serving others in and out of church is one of the most positive ways to display neighborliness and one of our greatest witnesses to a lost world. When we concentrate on others, it is amazing how most of our troubles lessen in the light of service. We as the church...