Not All in the Family

One of the great lies of liberal theology is that we are all a part of God’s family. Christianity teaches otherwise. The former teaching may seem inclusive and welcoming, while the latter seems exclusive and intolerant. No matter the labels, beliefs and opinions...

It’s All Because of Jesus

I awoke this morning with the song “All Because of Jesus” running through my mind. Our praise band did the song this past Sunday. It’s wonderful to wake up with a praise song running through your head. That in itself is a work of grace. It is also an important...

Confirming Their Expectations

We are one week from celebrating the birth of Christ, and it seems right that we understand this event in history. The birth of Christ was not just some unexpected and supernatural interruption of history. It was a long-awaited for event, foretold by the prophets of...

Raising Them In Hope

It was six years ago this date, September 19, 2007, that as a parent I received the worse news ever. My son Sergeant Eddie Jeffers had been killed in Iraq. As a parent of an Infantry soldier and especially as a retired Army First Sergeant, I was more aware of the...

The Scandal Of Grace

Grace can almost be considered scandalous. In fact, Hillsong United has a new song out with the same title as this devotional. The Random House Dictionary defines scandal as “a disgraceful or discreditable action, circumstance, etc.; an offense caused by a fault or...