The Real and Consistent Language of Faith and Love

We started this little series on standing for God talking of persecution. We shall end it talking of confession. This word confession is from the wonderful Greek word homologia and it means “confession, profession, acknowledgement, to openly express commitment and...

Compelled By The Majesty

Most of us will not witness to our lost friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors (think FRANgelism) because we are fearful of their response. This is understandable and natural. The problem is it is unacceptable; we do not have a have a choice whether or not we...

Speaking So As To Command Respect

If you stand on the Word of God, you will, as in for sure, be persecuted. The hard part is many times it comes from other Christians and those close to you. You see, standing on the Word of God is almost always inconvenient and definitely culturally insensitive. Too...

Tasks That Must Be Performed

Too often I deal with the Lord’s call on my life as though I have a real choice, or better yet, options in whether or not I serve Jesus. The fact of the matter is when we are called by Christ to serve Him, the only real choice we have is obedience and disobedience....

A Bad Conscience In The Presence Of Truth

If you must take a stand for God, you must expect persecution to come. You cannot stand on the truth of God’s Word and all around you accept it peacefully, unless you are doing so in a “Christian ghetto” and even there pure aletheia truth is not always welcomed....