America, Bless God

One of the songs that were sung during many of the remembrances this past weekend was Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America.” Last year Karen and I were in Foley, Alabama and saw a bumper sticker that rang true to our hearts: “America, Bless God.” As a nation...

Desiring The Gains Of The Diligent

One of the fundamental differences between political parties is how to deal with the issue of poverty. Of course one man’s poverty (America) is another man’s wealth (anywhere else). What we consider as poor in America is unimagined abundance in most other...

In God I Trust

You may be thinking I have that wrong. It’s “In God We Trust” Bro Dave. Yeah, I see that on our currency but like so much relating to God in America that too has become meaningless. In fact the very currency it is a part of is becoming more worthless with each...

Sharing Holiness

Can you imagine finding something so amazing, so pure, so transformative but you are not allowed to share this good news with anyone? Thankfully our Lord Jesus does not expect that of us. In fact He expects quite the opposite: “And Jesus came and spoke to them,...

Finding Holiness

You’re back! By reading the subject line and opening this devotional may I assume that you not only desire holiness but are looking for it? Wonderful! Let’s search the Scriptures and see what we find. Holiness is another word for sanctification which means being...