NOTE: We had six guesses for Dwight D. Eisenhower and one for Gerald Ford. The book I got the quote from attributed it to Ford; however, the Ford respondent did some research and found that it was Ike who actually said it during WWII. A copy goes to our first Ike...
Francis Scott Key Are we a Christian nation? I tackled this question in my book: Many evangelicals lament the decline of the nation stating that we are a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles. They are only half-right. We are an apostate nation that...
NOTE: Truly I was not fully conscious when I wrote yesterday’s email/devotional. Mike is not in Afghanistan; his location is not important only his mission. Wendy is not the name of the wife of Keith Green; it is Melody. I knew better on both accounts; I plead lack...
NOTE: I awoke just after 1 am this morning with only 3 hours of sleep under my belt with the strong feeling God wanted to show me something. He did indeed! Mike Felan is a member of our church and is deployed to Afghanistan. He has basically started a church on their...
Is it possible for America to become a great nation once again? Only if it become righteous and righteousness must begin with the church first and then our communities will be changed. Christians pray for revival in America, pray that revival will come to our civic...