ALL ABOARD!!!!!!!!!!

(Hat tip to Jason Zoglmann for his awesome graphics work) Folks, it is time to get on board the Angle Express because the train is leaving the station tomorrow. Sharron’s brilliance came through again tonight on Mark Levin’s radio show. She is a solid...

Me on Mark Levin Talking up Sharron Angle

Well my dear friend Mark Levin wanted me to come on the show and tell his audience what I thought of Connecticut Democratic Senate candidate Richard Blumenthal “misspeaking” about his Viet Nam service, or lack thereof. I was able to sum it up pretty...

Hope Deferred

We have been looking at the uselessness of political pragmatism; useless because it doesn’t work to borrow a phrase from Steve Deace. When we look at the political landscape it can indeed be discouraging. We hope for greater things for our nation and when that hope...

A Different Breed Of People

NOTE: I want to thank so many of you for your kind notes and prayers; they truly do sustain me. I dedicate today’s devotional to John Haskins and Gregg Jackson, two men who are battling the worldliness of the church and the cancer it has become. It was they who sent...

We’re Going To Be Okay

Hat tip to John Haskins for this link I want you to watch this video by Bill Whittle at Pajamas Media TV. It made me weep tears that washed my weary soul. It renewed my spirit. It made me miss my boy once again (not that I need a reminder); however missing him tonight...