The Foundation Of All Practical Religion

I have been teaching on Wednesday nights a series by John Ortberg titled “If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat.” The lesson looks at discerning God’s will for our lives and then in faith stepping out obediently to His call on our lives....

There Is Hope In Your Future

This has been a tough week for some of my friends. One of my brothers in Christ with whom I worship lost his father on Wednesday. On Valentines Day a man I used to officiate football with lost his beloved wife to cancer. On the same day the National Federation of...

I’ll Never Have To Hide Again

Another song Jennifer Knapp does on her CD “Kansas” is titled “Romans” and this song challenges me in the area of pride. At times I find myself impressed with me because of some biblical insight I may have received or because of my biblical training. That’s...

If I Had A Magic Wand

I really like Chris Rice’s music; he reminds me of a Christian James Taylor. Chris does a song called “Magic Wand” and I awoke with it running through my mind. That’s always a sign that God is trying to teach me something. Chris’ song taught me a new...

One Day The Bridegroom Will Come

Imagine a bride preparing for her wedding day and yet not being in love with the bridegroom. Oh, now she loves him; she’s known him most of her life. She grew up knowing him and knowing that one day she would marry him. It had all been arranged beforehand. So the...