Righteousness – It Guides A Nation

A nation without a moral compass is one devoid of liberty. Any country that allows the wanton enslavement, murder, and taxation of its citizens is one in violation of the laws of Nature and Nature’s God. The purpose of government is to protect the unalienable rights...

Righteousness – It Exalts A Nation

Since Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare, I have seen all manner of exposition and explanation for why Chief Justice John Roberts’ ruling was brilliant. I have been asked if I want conservative judges, oppose liberal judges, want those that are...

Wrong Thinking Leads To Wrong Feeling

What causes stinking thinking, and just as important, how do we clear it up? First, we use worldly principles to guide our thoughts and actions. Even as Christians we can get to the point that the world’s point of view governs our actions. One example is how...

The Principle of Vengeance

I continue to be amazed at the vitriol thrown at the jury of the Casey Anthony trial. One lady called them a bunch of idiots. No one has called the prosecutor an idiot. Has anyone considered that perhaps his smug courtroom demeanor may have been an outward sign of...

The Prerogative of Vengeance

Yesterday Casey Anthony was found innocent of wrongdoing in her daughter Caylee’s death, except for lying to the police. To read the posts of Facebook and listen to the dumdits on cable news, the twelve jurors must have been asleep at the wheel. Obviously, according...