Besetting sin is the one that keeps coming back. You return to it like a dog returns to its vomit, to borrow a phrase from the Bible. That may sound disgusting, but you are disgusted with yourself every time you recommit this particular sin. The problem is you try so...
A very popular song from the 80’s was Foolish Heart by Steve Perry. Perry is warning his heart against foolishly falling in love, warns his heart that it has “been wrong before, don’t be wrong anymore.†Many people live their lives as “one and done†if...
Random House Dictionary defines deception as, “The state of being deceived.†It further defines deceive “To mislead by a false appearance or statement; delude.†The biggest deceivers in our lives are usually us. I can convince myself that I am living a life...
At a recent men’s Bible study, we had split up into small prayer groups when one of the gentlemen in my group said that he had once fallen out of love with God. I told my group I once believed that is what happened, but in actuality we stop loving God. When someone...
The call of God on the Christian’s life can be frightening. We say we want to serve the Lord, and yet we pray “except†prayers. You know which ones I’m talking about; “Lord, I’ll do anything and go anywhere you want me to except…†You can fill in the...