Just a quick note of thanks for your prayers and kind notes from my email yesterday. This morning as I was praying to the Lord it was though He put His hand on my shoulder and said, “Shhh.”

I sat at my desk with my hands folded, elbows resting on my desk, and my forehead resting on my hands. An amazing awareness came over me: my Lord was sitting next to me and He was not speaking either; He was meditating with me; just listening to the silence.

The Lord is showing me some things to write about abortion and the politics surrounding it. I’m not sure what to write as of yet, other then some of the Scripture He has shown me. The first one was in church Sunday in Bro Dennis’ message. There may be more passages He wants to show me, and I will wait for those. However, I believe He is beginning to unfold a picture to me that will show how sin-infested our lives and our nation has become.

And as I maintained a mental and spiritual state of prayer, I sat there not knowing what would become of our nation. I have no clue and I’m okay with that because I know Who is on the throne. I no longer need the answers and I no longer have to solve the world’s problems. I just need to trust and obey Jesus.

    “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10)

Beloved, these are some sweet moments. I shared with my Sunday school class last Sunday that when I was on vacation and reading Psalm 51 for the 50th time (at least), I was overwhelmed with the discovery the Holy Spirit gave me of the passage I wrote on evangelism. I told the class that the Lord told me to not be amazed; I can have this anytime I come to His Word thirsty and without expectation other than to be quenched.

Why is it we deny ourselves the Living Water of His Word? Why do we spiritually dehydrate ourselves knowing how refreshing the drink will be if we will just go to the Fountain?

Are you thirsty?

When is the last time you took a drink of the Living Water?

In Christ
Ps. 37:4

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    Copyright © 2010 David Jeffers


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