As you know I have long proclaimed the need for pastors across America to preach God’s Word unapologetically and unashamedly. If we can find pastors willing to boldly preach the Word and comment on today’s societal ills, perhaps our county can be saved.
Such a pastor exists and I am proud to say he is my pastor.
On July 4, 2010, Independence Day Dr. Dennis Brunet, Senior Pastor of Midway Baptist Church in Gulf Breeze, Florida brought political and moral clarity into the fog of political correctness.
I am going to share this in five segments with tonight’s being the introduction. Just click on the link below and give it a few minutes to download; it’s worth the wait.
Four Questions For America! – Introduction
Tomorrow’s segment will be question #1 and it will be in two parts because it is the longest segment.
Copyright © 2010
Abortion, ACLU, Bible, Christian Activism, Christianity, Communism, Conservatism, Constitution, Corruption, Culture, Democrats, election, Evangelism, Faith, Forgiveness, Founding Fathers, Grace, Hillary Clinton, History, Judiciary, Liberty, Media, Mercy, Morality, Patriotism, Politics, Prayer, Republicans, Revival, RINOs, Sin, Taxes, Wisdom