“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Those are Jesus’ words from the eight chapter and thrity-second verse of the Gospel of John. Those thirteen words are the answer to America’s problems. But truth can be a funny thing because many believe that truth is in the eye of the beholder or that it is defined by current cultural standards.

That is what is known as moral relativism, which claims that no ethical system is better than another. But Jesus uses a very specific Greek word for truth – aletheia. Aletheia implies sincerity, actuality, and reality. This word is significant because aletheia is the truth that first appears when something is seen or revealed. So Jesus purposely used this word because He was teaching that this is absolute truth and is not something you can analyze and take into consideration outside factors. It is what it is.

It is with this truth in mind that I want to share with you an article written and an interview conducted by our friend Steve Deace of WHO News Radio 1040 from Des Moines, Iowa.

    Steve Deace

    Steve Deace

Steve’s latest article is titled “How about ‘focus on our principles’?” and it can be found at World Net Daily’s website.

The article gives an important insight into what we have been discussing here at Salt and Light when it comes to beginning the reeducation process that will hopefully bring revival so we can have the much needed revolution to rescue our great nation.

Within the there is a link to the interview Steve conducted with Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family.

    Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family

    Tom Minnery of Focus on the Family

This interview is tough to listen to; at times you may feel a desire to stop listening. If you care about this country, if you care about the Truth, and most importantly, if you care about the Lord Jesus Christ and His righteousness, I exhort you to sit quietly and thoughtfully listen to the whole interview. I have supplied my own link here to the interview because I want you to be able to quickly find it to share with others.

Steve Deace’s Interview of Tom Minnery
(This takes about 5 minutes to download so please be patient)

I will be dissecting and commenting on this interview in the coming days in much the same manner as I did Steve’s interview of Jed Babbin, in the five-part series I titled “There is a Cancer in Conservatism.”

Sometimes the Truth is difficult to take, but my friends remember that Jesus promises that if we will know the Truth, then the Truth shall set us free.


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