No, this is not a tribute you the John Lennon’s song. This blog does not tout humanist drivel.
No, Imagine is the title of Steve Deace’s latest splendid blog post.
In fact I think this piece by Steve is his best and so timely for this election season.
It is primarily written to Iowans however it is easily applicable to all of America, particularly Christians.
All of you in Nevada you have the chance to vote for “a candidate for office comes along who seems to finally get it and is willing to confront evil at its source.”
We are counting on you Nevada; only you can defeat Harry Reid and only Sharron Angle is the person to do all we pray for in a candidate!
Abortion, Bible, Christian Activism, Christianity, Communism, Conservatism, Constitution, Corruption, Culture, Defeat Harry Reid, Democrats, election, Founding Fathers, History, Judiciary, Media, Morality, Obama, Patriotism, Politics, Prayer, Republicans, Revival, RINOs, Sharron Angle, Sin, Taxes, Wisdom