“Let me just say to the first part of your question with respect to boat people and killing, everybody predicted a massive bloodbath in Vietnam. There was not a massive bloodbath in Vietnam. There were reeducation camps, and they weren’t pretty and, you know, nobody, you know, likes that kind of outcome. But on the other hand, I’ve met lot of people today who were in those education camps, who are thriving in the Vietnam of today.” Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts speaking on C-SPAN this morning.
And to think this man was nearly President of the United States! Thank you Ohio!!
Excuse me Senator Kerry…how many murders are required to be considered a massive bloodbath? Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands? It is a well-known fact that tens of thousands of South Vietnamese were slaughtered after the fall of Saigon.
As for the “not very pretty” reeducation camps, what actually happened there Senator Kerry? They say a picture is worth a thousand words:
So what was a day like in the life at a Vietnamese Reeducation Camp Senator Kerry, any idea? Well, of course there was political indoctrination along with heavy and dangerous physical labor, and widespread disease because of the lack of food and medicine. This from a “warrior” who received a Purple Heart for an injury treated by the removal of a piece of shrapnel from his arm, application of bacitracin (an antibiotic) and a bandage, and he then returned to service immediately. With that criteria for a Purple Heart, my son Eddie would have about 10 Purple Hearts by now.
How is it that this man is even considered credible anymore? And oh by the way Massachusetts, could you please, please explain to the rest of America why you keep reelecting Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Edward Markey, and Barney Frank?
Hi Dave- I have to wonder, after hearing Kerry’s remarks what he thinks of other “re education or labor “camps around the world today- North Korea for instance. Does he think that the people who are “educated” in these places deserve it? You know, I don’t remember much about Viet Nam- only near the end when all the boat people were leaving in droves to get away from the carnage. If that’s not all that bad according to Kerry and his ilk- God help us to know what is. I suppose it’s all jst a walk in the park. Thank you Dave- God Bless.
Hi Carolyn – I got out of the Army for one year in 1982 and while I was working at a manufacturing plant I met a Vietnamese man named Bien. Oh how I loved Bien! What a testimony he had! He had been a Lieutenant Colonel in the SVA Special Forces and was wanted desperately by the NVA. He knew that if he and his family had any chance, he would have to get in a boat and head for America. He could not kiss his four children good bye and didn’t even want to tell his wife, but he didn’t want her to think he was a coward and had abandoned them. He knew that if he was “lucky” at best he would go to a reeducation camp; but in his heart he knew the NVA wanted to execute him. Anyway, he made it to America and was working very hard (legal status as a political asylum seeker) to save $25,000 ($5,000 for each family member) to bribe officials to allow his family to join him. He said it would take another three years to earn that much. Somehow I don’t think Bien agree with Senator Kerry’s remarks. He would probably say, as he was wont to, “He stupid man!” He did, however, love Ronald Reagan.