I’ve been somewhat of a fan of Camille Paglia’s for some time now. Her latest column at Salon.com is a collection of answers to emails she received. Now mind you she is quite liberal in her political leanings, but she is far and wide one of the most intellectually honest journalists in print. It would be nice to see this level of candor from both sides of the political spectrum and in between, both in media and with our politicians.
I encourage you to read “Obama’s early stumbles.”
Democrats, election, Hillary Clinton, Media, Obama, Palin, Politics, Republicans
How refreshing- and hilarious. Thank you Dave, I needed the laugh- but also found her very instghtful. I especially appreciated her take on Harry Ried- “Harry Reid is a cadaverous horse’s ass of mammoth proportions. ” Hehehee 🙂 Her truth though is refreshing and I agree that we would be a lot better as a nation if there were more politcal ommentators and reporters such as here- on both sides. God Bless and thank you Dave~
Thanks. Seems fair to me. It’s nice to read the other side when they have a coherent thought to share. Actually, I would prefer more of them. She is a rare gem. 😉
I was amazed and intrigued to read Miss Paglia’s writing all during the election. Few people were honest enough to state the liberal’s true agenda as she. Furthermore, she stood up for Sarah Palin, not because she was in her political camp, but because she thought the liberal press was totally unfair. Interesting enough, Greta Van Sustern did the same thing.
Keep up the good work, Dave.