Yesterday was a significant day for the Jeffers’ Family and many of you played a large part in it. Ground was finally broke for the new Fisher House of the Emerald Coast on Eglin Air Force Base here in NW Florida. The wonderful and giving community here has already donated tens of thousands of dollars to support this wonderful charity. Nearly eight thousand dollars has been given in memory of Sergeant Eddie Jeffers. We are so grateful to all of you and know that our Fisher House here in the Florida Panhandle will be a home away from home for our precious military families.
Here is the groundbreaking site:
Presentation of the Colors by the Eglin Air Force Base Honor Guard:
Air Force First Lieutenant Lori Watkins sings the National Anthem:
The Master of Ceremony was Mr. Tom Rice who is one of NW Florida’s finest philanthropist:
Great words given by some great Americans, first Mrs. Trecia Chedister who is the former Vice President of Fisher House of the Emerald Coast:
Mr. Tony Hughes, Board President of the Fisher House of the Emerald Coast:
Mr. David Coker, National President of the Fisher House Foundation:
Major General David W. Eidsaune, Air Force Program Executive Office for Weapons and Commander, Air Armament Center, Eglin Air Force Base:
Congressman Jeff Miller, US Representative from the 1st District of Florida and a good friend of the Jeffers Family:
The Groundbreaking Participants, from left to right, Mrs. Chedister, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Coker, MajGen Eidsaune, Congressman Miller, Colonel Bruce McClintock, Mr. Robin Bailey, and Colonel Tama Van Decar:
The Groundbreaking Crew and the Board of Directors for the Fisher House of the Emerald Coast:
If any of you would like to give to our local Fisher House of the Emerald Coast you can use this link or if you would like to give to the Fisher House nearest you, please use this link.
God bless you!
Culture, Military, SGT Eddie Jeffers, The Fisher House, TheVanguard.Org
Dave, Im glad it’s becoming a reality. For Eddie’s memory and those who it will help, I am glad and grateful. God Bless you and those who are working on such an important and good thing!
A dream come true 🙂 !
You could of told me about it
My apologies Tina; it came up kind of suddenly because they kept trying to fit everyone’s schedule. I’ll be sure you get an invite to the Grand Opening when it is finished. That will be the big event that I want to make sure you are present. Again, my apologies.