Normally I have no use for Time Magazine, but I want to give a hat tip to Nathan Thornburgh for a very fair article about Bristol Palin. I have been getting emails about her pregnancy all morning and thought it only rumors and innuendos.
Please read In Wasilla, Pregnancy Was No Secret.
Some conservatives may panic, but what this family did in light of their daughter’s mistake is EXACTLY what should be happening instead of aborting a baby. God bless them!
I’m not freaking- I’m praising them for making the right decisions! How many more american families can feel what they are dealing with now, as they have gone through much of the same. This kind of thing happens, no matter how good or bad a parent, and at least they are supporting her and having a new addition! God bless them~ Carolyn
I think they are doing a great job. They are there for Bristol. I went through exactly the same thing when my daughter was a senior in H.S. We know have a beautiful 15 month old grandaughter. It wasnt exactly what we wanted for her being 17 years old (18 when she had her) but she is definitely a gift from God. I have always been pro life. I advised my daughter about adoption and keeping the baby. Abortion was never a choice nor should it be. Good luck to the Palin family and God bless you. – Karen Wasilla AK