Okay, John McCain still has a long way to go before he bowls me over. I would love to see him come out in favor of the traditional marriage amendment in his home state of Arizona. I would also love to see him come out in support of the Federal Marriage Amendment. After what has happened in Massachusetts and California, that being two rogue state supreme courts and two governors illegally ordering same-sex marriage, we need the Federal Marriage Amendment.
It would be great to have the pro-family movement leaders such as Tony Perkins of Family Research Council, Don Wildmon of American Family Association, Mat Staver of the Liberty Counsel, Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, and other conservative Christian leaders speak out against what Mitt Romney did in Massachusetts and now what Arnold Schwarzenegger has done in California.
Notwithstanding this, we still have a battle for the US Supreme Court we must consider. A hat tip to one of my readers Joyce for sending the following email:
Today should wake everyone up.
The Supreme Court’s Heller decision today finally defended the 2nd Amendment…but it was only by a margin of ONE vote! It could easily have gone the other way…and our 2nd Amenement rights could have been lost. This is very scary!
The fact that they made 2 other terrible decisions recently: Guantanamo terrorists deserve American juris prudence, and men who viciously rape little children the death penalty is “cruel &unusual”. What???
As you can see…these partisan hacks are very dangerous. They threaten the Constitution that they were appointed to uphold! And if Obama is elected, there will be most likely be 2 appointments he will make in his term as President. That will swing the bench back to the left…instead of a 5/4 court, it will be a 4/5 court…or worse if one of the Conservatives decides to retire..or God forbid dies.
We must do WHATEVER we can to make sure Obama is never elected. And that means holding our noses and voting for McCain. I don’t like him any more than you do. He’s not ideal by any stretch, but at least he doesn’t want to “change” the nation into some Marxist fascist nightmare.
Senator McCain it is high time you publicly let evangelicals know your thoughts on Mitt Romney and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s illegal orders for same-sex marriage certificates. Something tells me though that if Senator McCain believes either one of these states are in play then he will not do so. I even fear him putting Mitt Romney on the ticket.
Time will tell…
I agree Dave- Joyce brought up some really good points. I emailed our congressmen last night in regards to a new Marriage Amendment Bill, and it would be interesting to see McCain’s take on it- whether he would be for or against. The supremes alone should be a wake up call for all evangelicals, conservatives and republicans. McCain may not be perfect, but one would hope he would pick better judges than are there now! God Bless~ Carolyn
Whether Obama or McCain is elected doesn’t really matter that much since McCain is only marginally superior to Obama on the major social and economic issues. McCain is the compromised candidate of the party of compromise. If people really think that the “maverick” who referred to Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson as the “agents of intolerance” and who won’t even sit down and talk with Dr. Dobson but who will go on Ellen Degeneres’ Show (before Obama did by the way) will be nominating strict constructionist “conservatives” to the bench, you’ve got another thing coming.
Mr “Maverick” who authored McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Feingold, and McCain-Lieberman will no doubt nominate Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O’Connor “centrists” arguing that anybody to the right would never get through a fillibuster proof Senate (which the Democrat Senate is very likely to be). Do you really think McCain is going to spend political capital if he is elected (which I don’t believe he will be) to fight to make the case for Scalia/Thomas/Alito type judges? No, Mr. Gang of 14 will “reach accross the isle” in the “spirit of bi-partisanship.”
The bigger point though, is that our greatest problems are not political but spiritual. No president, or legislators, or judges will save this nation which is on the verge of collapse. We are in such a moral and spiritual crisis right now that only an authentic Christian Revival and Awakening will heal our land. Christians should, in my humble opinion, be worrying less about Obama and more focussed on seeking God’s face as per 2 Chron 7:14. That is where we are at. We are deluding ourselves if we think a few more “conservative” judges will save our nation. What we need are those who claim to be followers of Messiah Jesus to fast and pray for revival and healing of our land. We need to cease expecting men to provide the salvation only God Himself can provide.
We are putting the cart before the horse. We are getting the leaders and judges we deserve because we have essentially turned our back on God. God’s righteous men and women will lead us again. But first we must humble ourselves and repent of our individual and collective sin before that can happen.
Judgement starts with the house of the Lord.
It starts with us purifying ourselves and asking Him to restore us to the joy of His slavation (Psalm 50 verse 12)
My two cents…
Excellent points Gregg and the type of revival you speak of will only happen when the pastors of America stand in their pulpits and unashamedly and unapologetically preach the gospel, call out sin, and give clear biblical understanding and definition of a godly candidate. This will bring a new revolution in America.
What enormous pressure the media puts conservatives in about who’s “viable”. Sometimes it makes me very sick to receive, along with Republican news, these emails from McCain and his campaign manager about inspirational conservatism, patriotism, and leadership that McCain posesses, because I know they’re just empty words in light of McCain-Kennedy and other things. He seems to constantly exacerbate us one way or another, like his recent speech in Canada about how those who opposed NAFTA need to get a life. The fact that he’s been traveling the world, meeting with Mexican nationalists, visiting Canada, etc. is real proof that he’s interested in “globalization”, the interdependence of economies, political correctness, etc.. Anyway, I’ve felt this pressure of the polls dictating who’s “viable”, become distracted by the McCain-Hillary-Obama barbs, and eventually decided to focus more on prayer and less on what the media dictates. (A good choice, I think 🙂 )
Not trying to be a bookworm 🙂 , but the first article has McCain’s brief statements on creating a “league of democracies”. Dr. Jerome Corsi at WND has written extensively on how the planned North American Union would override our Constitution. The main thing that struck me in the second article is the first point, in which McCain’s staff told a Navy chaplain to just stop praying in Jesus’ name to resolve the controversy.
Anyway, I have respect for every American’s decision on whom to vote for, and I really enjoy coming to this blog 🙂 .
I can concur with observations above…..further I can give a hearty Amen…
Politics in America have reached an all time low……servant status of our respresentatives is only a faint memory.
At worst if Obama is elected he will appoint only retiring justices which are already left leaning…as mentioned above, any that McCain would replace would be left of center at best….the rabid Senate would go for nothing short of a liberal nominees as the conservatives are in for the long haul…this is just one example where both candidates fail, there are many other shortcomings in both.
So…our choices are simply unacceptable…the compromise does not meet a Christian test.
If there was ever a time for Christians to come together on a third party candidate, 2008 is the year.
Don’t know who that is but my prayer is God will lift a Jim Dobson, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr or someone that will resonate with Christians and general America that is so turned-off by both McCain and Obama……
God help us…..
I’m praying Mitt Romney will be McCain’s running mate. I choose not to inject what he did in Massachusetts and has since changed course on. Look at his family & friends. He is the closest thing to Ronald Reagan we will probably ever see again. God Bless America for this man!