Yesterday in my article “The Deep Faith of Barack Obama” I wrote:

When asked if he had people in his life he looked to for guidance, Senator Obama responded:

Well, my pastor is certainly someone who I have an enormous amount of respect for.
I have a number of friends who are ministers. Reverend Meeks is a close friend and colleague of mine in the state Senate. Father Michael Pfleger is a dear friend and somebody I interact with closely.

Add on to Senator Obama’s list his dear friend convicted felon Tony Rezko and his associate, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, and we have a pattern here. And if it is true that Barack Obama was completely fooled and surprised by the behavior of these four men, three of whom he says “this is not the man I knew”, then that leads to a very important question.

How are we to trust this man to sit across the negotiating table with the likes of Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, North Korea’s Kim Jong-Il, or Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez? Senator Obama has already stated that he would initiate “tough negotiations” with these four countries and yet he is unable to know the hearts and minds of three close friends and one political associate?

When Iran eventually gets the nuclear bomb, will President Obama state this was not the man I negotiated with? When Syria completely invades Lebanon through the help of Hezbollah, will President Obama say this was not the man I negotiated with? And what about North Korea and Venezuela; will President Obama’s only excuse for the betrayal of our enemies be these were not the men with whom he negotiated?

Today we had Jim Johnson from the Obama camp resign from his campaign. Now this is the man Senator Obama picked to vet the Vice Presidential candidates. Again this leads me to another question:


We have Senator Obama slamming Countrywide Mortgage for goughing customers and taking advantage of vulnerable homeowners and he has one of the weasels who benefited from Countrywide, and a Washington insider, vetting the Vice President possibilities.

So much for real change, huh Senator?

Folks, this man’s ability to judge human character is stunningly inept.
