Hillary’s speech tonight was no where near a concession speech. Why is that? Senator Obama came out, and she knew he would, claiming to be the Democratic nominee. So why no congratulatory note from Hillary?
I also find it intriguing that she’s openly allowing reports of her phone interview where she said she would consider the VP slot. And it almost seemed deliberate that her memo to staffers about wrapping up campaign offices and submitting expense reports was released, especially it reaching headline status on Drudge. Matt Drudge is a coveted news source and although liberals openly hate the Drudge Report, politicians acknowledge its influence and folks of all political stripes work hard to nuture a relationship with the blog revolutionary.
Here’s what has me thinkin’ out loud. I have been hearing rumors for the past few days that there is a bombshell about to come out against Obama. Some rumors have it that Hannity is holding it; in fact Sean has been making light of it on his radio program. Rumors are rumors, especially during a campaign season, but the timing of this one and in light of Hillary’s non-concession speech…makes me wonder. And this video makes me say “Hmmmm…”
You may be saying, as did my friend, but Dave Obama has already wrapped up the nomination. No, he has enough committed super delegates but they can change their mind even on the day of the convention. If this “shoe drops” on Michelle Obama the super delegates can change their mind. And what has the Clinton War Machine fingerprints all over it is the fact that Bob Beckel is being lead to believe it’s coming from Republicans.
Speaking of Republicans, who was the genius that came up with the idea of John McCain giving a speech on the night of Obama’s victory speech? You know just when my disdain for Bill Kristol seems to hit rock bottom, I hear him admit that he was given inside information about this speech two weeks ago and he thought it was a good idea. He admits having watched the speech that it didn’t work. Really? Seriously?
You put up “Hey the teleprompter is moving too fast” McCain against “Let me read the phone book and cast a spell on the crowd” Obama and you don’t think McCain’s speech worked. Mr. Kristol has been giving me the impression that he wants to destroy the Reagan Conservative movement and I gotta tell you Bill, the gem of advice you gave the McCain campaign is gasoline on the fire.
Here’s the most delusional part; the intent was to take some of the luster off of Obama’s night. Yep, that’ll work real good for the next few days as they play soundbites of the two speeches and we’ll see who shines.
Hey McCain campaign! I’m running a series of posts here called “Why You Should Vote for John McCain” and you’re making my job real tough.
Stay tuned, thanks to fellow blogger Larwyn Greer, I am analyzing an interview done by Senator Obama back in 2004 where he reveals the depth of his Christianity. You are going to be surprised at my findings. I intend to put it in an article and I’ll let you know where it ends up being published.
Hi Dave- I have to admit, I didn’t listen to any of the speeches. I did hear all the hoopla though about Obama locking this up- and have been wondering what’s going to happen now. I know Hill isn’t going to go away as easy as some one hopes. It’s going to be interesting to see what she’s got up her sleeve! God Bless Dave- have a great rest of the week~ Carolyn
I used to think of Obama as the gravest threat because of his hypnotic power over people. Then he started making mistakes and losing the rabid rock-star aura. I don’t know how that happened; that’s just what I read. The media released tapes of Rev. Wright just as Obama was winning so many states he seemed unstoppable. That helped out Hillary, as did Rush Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos. I recall reading on rushlimbaugh.com that Anderson Cooper was complaining about “having to” dwell on the Wright issue. If the liberal establishment favors Obama, then why is Hillary still in the race? The media begrudgingly saved her campaign by focusing on Rev. Wright just in time. It was a deliberate coup, and yet the media didn’t want to do it . . .
Plus, the Wright issue made Obama so vulnerable that he started making mistakes, and the propaganda image of Obama as God crumbled. I do not know what will happen now, but I have several suspicions at this point:
1. McCain may pick Romney or Huckabee.
2. Hillary may become a VP choice.
3. Huckabee may be an agent for creating haywire in both parties, as he is helping Obama (http://www.townhall.com/columnists/RobertDNovak/2008/05/12/mccain,_huckabee_and_the_evangelicals).
None of those things sound good!
We will see what happens.
An online friend of mine went to the town hall meeting in Nashville, TN a couple days ago, where McCain and Fred Thompson both were. McCain’s guards were keeping a suspicious eye on him. My friend asked McCain a specific question about immigration, which McCain airbrushed, and thereafter McCain deliberately ignored my friend’s raised hand. When McCain asked about which authors the audience liked, my friend shouted “Fred Thompson!” and made McCain noticeably unhappy! Fred couldn’t stop laughing! 🙂
That is a great story Christopher! Man I miss Fred Thompson!
I knew you would get a kick out of that story 🙂 ! It was really fun watching this relationship the media had with Fred Thompson, where they couldn’t justifiably ignore him as much as they wanted, and he rarely answered in the way they’d expect, which a lot of them came to respect!