I want you to make a list if you can of your non-negotiables when it comes to someone you will vote for; stances you take in life that you expect to be supported by your elected representatives.
Do you already have a list?
Can you come up with one if you do not have one?
If not, how come?
Steve Deace of Newsradio 1040 WHO in Des Moines, Iowa asks Michael Reagan what are his non-negotiables.
Notice Michael’s pause and the rough start getting out of the gate.
Michael Reagan Explaining His Non-Negotiables
Michael did not tell Steve what is non-negotiables are because he doesn’t have any. He lives by the 80/20 rule.
I suppose one of his non-negotiables is that he will never not vote Republican regardless how bad the candidate.
Is it an accident that both Michael Reagan and Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour are in Iowa espousing the same thing?
Steve doesn’t think so and he is onto something.
In the last couple of days I’ve come across two pieces of evidence to back up Steve’s claim.
Exhibit A – The new and improved GOP website. Two glaring things are missing from the website that jumped out at me.
1. There is no link to the 2008 GOP Party Platform.
2. There is no mention anywhere on the website of social or sanctity of life issues.
If you can find either two on the GOP website, please send me the link. I did a search on the GOP website for “life” and the only thing that got close to anything on pro-life issues are comments posted by Republican voters on “Why Are You Republican.”
Exhibit B – This dandy piece of information from Michelle Malkin’s blog.
I’m not going to repost anything Michelle has already written; just read it.
The leftist, pro-baby killing Margaret Sanger Award winning ACORN-loving Dede Scozzafava is who presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich endorses as a “responsible and principled” leader?!!!!
Guess what Newt? You just eliminated yourself from any serious consideration by SERIOUS values voters. If you consider yourself a values voters and you can seriously, with a straight face excuse Newt for this endorsement or vote for him after his endorsement of a leftist with an “R” behind her name, then you are not a SERIOUS values voter. You don’t get to wear that button, sorry.
Michael Steele, Newt Gingrich, and NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions you three better get your collective acts together and wake up and listen to the rumble.
That sucking sound is Republicans who consider themselves values voters leaving the party in droves.
That clicking sound is Republicans who consider themselves values voters hanging up on your fundraising phone calls.
That laughing sound will be Republicans who consider themselves values voters laughing in your faces the next time you try to give a speech to values voters on how pro-life/family you are.
You three are a disgrace and should resign immediately.
Well in Newt’s case, just go away.
This makes me more nauseous then what I’ve been suffering from for the last two days with my vertigo.
Lord Jesus helps this nation.
Heaven knows the Republican leadership surely will not do it.
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Bible, Christian Activism, Christianity, Communism, Conservatism, Constitution, Corruption, Culture, Democrats, History, Morality, pacifism, Patriotism, Politics, Republicans, RINOs
Nor should we count on Sarah Palin, who hasn’t even promised to run and who appointed a Planned Parenthood board member to the Alaska Supreme Court (http://thealaskastandard.com/?q=node/559). I think Ps. 146 is a very appropriate psalm for every Christian in America who hates what is going on.
OK Dave, I have my list. First off, a candidate must believe in God. If they don’t, they won’t understand the Constitution as it was written that our liberties come from God- NOT government. Next, they must be pro life. Not just with abortion issues, but also with stem cell research and against embryonic research- because again, God gives life- not the government. There are other viable options for all life issues, and there is no excuse for harming, killing or researching on babies.
Side track here David, and I’m sorry- but this brings to mind the time of the Terri Shiavo debate when those of us were desperately trying to stop the judgement against her in ordering her death. At the SAME time this was happening and those on the left were so outraged that it became politicized, the newly caught DC sniper was under suicide watch in jail. The prison officials were force feeding a killer- yet starving an innocent woman to death only because she was not living a quality of life that elites believe we ought to have. Where does this make sense?!
Sorry- back to my list. They must agree to uphold the Constitution as it was written, that it is NOT a living breathing thing. The men who put it together had definite ideas- and if one is to study or read any of their other papers, we know what they meant as they framed the Constitution!
They must believe in the sovereignty of America- no signing treaties unless there is a majority in the Senate as per the Constitution.
The less this candidate has to do with global parties such as the UN the better in my view.
They must believe in the Freedom of religion and freedom of speech as per the 1st Amendment. Allow private charitable organizations to help their communities to get people OFF welfare. They must believe in the freedom to speak their religeous beliefs in public without fear of prosecution.
They must believe in a small government, as it was when the country began. The main purpose being in protecting it’s citizens from all enemies- foreign AND domestic. That means protection against those who we have evidence of wanting to harm the population- as in Islamists. NOT tea party mobs.
They must believe in free enterprise, be pro small business, be against high taxes. They must play fair in the global market, but not at the point where America business is harmed.
They must believe in getting rid of welfare programs, give power to the states, in such things as health care reform if any, in welfare programs if any and in such savings (?!) as retirement.
They must believe in private property rights, and be against government intrusion on private citizens rights (those given by God)!~
There are others on my mind, and this may be a fantasy candidate David, I may be too rigid for some, but these are my qualifications which, could I vote- I would NOT compromise on.
God Bless!