Congratulations to Senator John McCain who won the Republican nomination fair and square without a majority of conservatives. Mike Huckabee has conceded defeat to McCain and congratulated the Senator.
I’m listening to Obama’s speech from San Antonio now. This man is all style and no substance but that’s okay because that describes 90% of Obama supporters. Most Obama supporters cannot tell you anything specific why they want to vote for Obama. It’s because, he’s black, he’s a great speaker, he’s going to pull the country back together, he brings us hope…yada yada yada.
My good buddy JB Williams has, as my pastor likes to say, peeled the onion back on Barack. In JB’s article “The Two Faces of Barack Hussein Obama” at the New Media Journal we get the look at Obama that you’re not going to get at any other news media outlet.
Please pass this on to others; especially all the Barack Backers.
Hi Dave- He could be like Hitler for all we know- but Hey! He’s black! Who cares if he hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing- if he looks good and sounds good, we could drag ’em in from off the street to run this country. This is all very frightening, but I’m glad that God is in charge and knows what He’s doing! These are interesting times~ Thank you Dave. God Bless~ Carolyn
From my viewpoint, Americans don’t see how much more dangerous this man is than just any other liberal. And most don’t pray enough. Christians must not forget for a moment what is at stake. The conservative pundits expect a better conservative to be elected in four years, having already resigned to the current situation without much difficulty. But this is not like people being tired of Jimmy Carter and ready for Reagan, as they think. People just want more of Obama’s dark spiritual power and hopeful words. And unlike WWII, no free people is spiritually strong enough to resist. America itself is dangerously divided. Satan’s daily attacks on American civilians by suicidal, angry murderers in our own neighborhoods–school shootings and mall shootings, etc.–are becoming bolder all the time. And mega-churches and churches that emulate the mega-churches: “let’s end poverty”. Where is Christ in the churches’ message? To more and more, Christ=Obama.
Prayer is underemphasized and will be the only way to stop Satan’s puppet Obama. We must defeat the neo-fascists through GOD’S help (via prayer), not by just decrying Obama in order to persuade other people. Talk radio didn’t stop the rising tide for Obama. But secular conservatives don’t pray on their shows, either. If they did, a lot would change. But we mustn’t let their mistakes discourage us from praying!
Obama’s blackness is far less of a factor in this than at least a dozen other things, the chief of which is his astonishing (and MoveOn designed) ability to organize now almost a million activist-donors through the internet.
By contrast, the entire Republican field — every one of our candidates combined — organized just 79,000 during the first half of last year, if that tells you anything.
And as to Senator McCain, there’s a lot wrong with him, and a lot right. His picking Phil Gramm to run his economic policy shop is a HUGE plus for conservatives and conservatism, and he deserves a tremendous amount of credit for that, not least because he appears to be really listening.
But the bottom line on McCain is this: do it for the troops. John McCain will go win the war, period. Every Democrat ran on a platform of defeat and surrender, self-inflicted and immediate. If you care one bit for the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform, you’ll drag ten of your closest friends to the polls in November to vote for John McCain.
Whatever other issues we legitimately have with him, that is a non-negotiable.