I can’t remember the last time I watched 60 Minutes; I don’t think it’s been since I returned to the States in 2001. Anyway, the latest “big story” from the CBS Chop Shop was how Karl Rove personally ruined the poor ol’ honest Democratic Governor of Alabama Don Siegelman. Here, take a look (13 minutes and 38 seconds in length):
Such breathtakingly powerful reporting! (Pant, pant)
No wonder they won so many Emmys! Yeah, maybe a long time ago but this is still the network that used forged documents to try and derail President Bush’s reelection campaign.
Well, guess what? Yep, this report on the former Alabama Governor is not all that factual (I know, so hard to believe isn’t it?).
The Gateway Pundit has completely blown the lid off of the pathetically sad “journalistic” mistakes that CBS once again will find itself defending.
Please visit the Gateway Pundit and read “SCANDAL!! “60 Minutes” DUPED! Flimsy Source May Ruin News Magazine!!”
A hat tip to my good buddy Larwyn Greer for getting this breaking news story to his readers.
Hi Dave- I can’t get the video to download for me, but whatever it’s about, I can only imagine it doesn’tpaint a pretty picture of anything republican. I haven’t watched 60 minutes for years and years. Nor do I hardly ever watch any of the “big 3” newscasts, except when Michael’s watching. If 60 minutes did a hack picece, hopefully they’ll be nailed this time. I used to like watching Andy Rooney years ago- he kind ofmade me smile with his wit- but ever since he started railing against Christians, he seems to be mean, obnoxious and a little demented- like another Jimmy Carter type, that needs to retire to a quiet, isolated retreat somewhere. I think this way about the whole lot of them these days. God Bless and it will be interesting to see if any ramifications comes from this. Carolyn