
David Jeffers, author of “Salt and Light”, is a lay preacher, retired Army Master Sergeant and author of Understanding Evangelicals: A Guide to Jesusland. A Magna Cum Laude graduate of Liberty University where he received his degree in Biblical Studies, Dave frequently comments on the Evangelical perspective of current affairs in the media. Dave has published numerous articles on The New Media Journal and appears regularly on talk radio shows around the country.

Dave wants to thank Rod and Sherri Martin of TheVanguard.org for so graciously and generously sponsoring this blog.

Dave is currently pursuing his Master of Arts Degree in Theological Studies from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.

Dave has also developed a seminar titled Our American Christian Heritage, which is available now and can be presented in conjunction with a book signing.

Dave is in the process of revising, expanding, and updating a new hardcover version of his book, Understanding Evangelicals: A Guide to Jesusland. Look for its release some time mid-summer with new chapters on immigration, the environment, and health care.

To interview or schedule Dave for an appearance at your church or civic function, please email him or contact him by cell (850) 565-0993.
