Okay I am not being sacreligous with my spelling of the word “Godley.” I had the great privilege and pleasure of being on Rick Godley’s “The Godley Morning Show” on “The Hill” 100.9 FM to talk about my blog post “Some Day Is Here.”
After the interview Rick came back after the break and read my post in its entirety. He finishes with a very appropriate song by Big Tent Revival, “If Loving God Was A Crime.”
I greatly appreciate Rick’s love for Jesus and for our nation.
Here are the links to both segments:
Dave on The Godley Morning Show
Rick reads “Some Day Is Here”
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
Copyright © 2009 www.saltandlightblog.com
Christian Activism, Christianity, Conservatism, Constitution, Corruption, Culture, History, Judiciary, Media, Morality, pacifism, Patriotism
I found it really interesting when you said that the media is now calling us consumers instead of citizens. When life is de-valued, people’s dignity is demoted to the state of “consumers”, which goes back to Darwinism: the belief that not everyone is of equal value, and that the people who aren’t as smart or good-looking just consume the earth’s resources and don’t have the natural right to life.