I’m a little confused here. While I have a great sense of humor and I love lighthearted moments, I wonder if it can’t be taken a bit too far.
Governor Mike Huckabee, a rising star in the GOP presidential race, has recently won the endorsement of Chuck Norris, actor and avid conservative. Some of the complaints against Governor Huckabee is that he doesn’t address serious criticisms about his record; he usually makes a joke about some of the issues.
Governor Huckabee has a new ad on his campaign website with Chuck Norris. While I admit it is somewhat clever and entertaining, is it presidential? The last entertaining Governor from Arkansas liked to wear sunglasses and play the saxophone, and we all remember how that turned out. Now I am in no way equating the two Arkansas governors, but I do question the value of this ad.
Since I’m somewhat torn on this issue, I’m asking all of you to comment here on my blog after watching the ad below, and tell me what you think. If you haven’t already registered, please do so under the “Meta” section on the right side of the page. Thanks for your help and I look forward to your comments.
If you can’t view it here, go to Gov. Huckabee’s website to view the video.
I don’t know Dave- I found that kind of goofy. I mean, I really like Chuck and all that, and like some of Mike Huckabee’s qualities, but as far as adressing anything serious- well, that commercial is severely lacking. We’ll see how things go soon enough. Thank you Dave~ Carolyn
That was awesome! Politics needs to be a little more light-hearted and jovial. Huckabee repeatedly point to his website for the details of his positions, and his positions are stated by Norris. In this case, what we’re seeing is a person’s charisma-their sizzle, and not just the steak, and while too many politicians are all sizzle, it’s vitally important that we remember that many (most?) Americans look at the sizzle first and don’t care about the steak. For example, who can deny that President Bush is a horrific orator? The man can’t read a teleprompter. Sure, some of his speeches are great when you read them, but to watch him speak can often be painful. Contrast that with others who have no positions, who waffle back and forth every other minute, and who have far more support than the President’s averaged in eight years. My grandmother HATES President Bush-not because of his policies, but because of his swagger, and in reality, because he is so anti-charismatic to her that she simply isn’t led by him.
One of the things that makes a leader more than a manager is his/her ability to get people to follow even if they’re not interested in looking at the details of why. How many people followed FDR or Kennedy because they agreed with the details of their Indochina policies? I doubt any, but in FDR’s case, that policy is exactly what forced the Japanese to attack the US (a US oil embargo in response to Japanese movement of air forces into Vietnam etc), and in Kennedy’s case, how many protesters took to the streets to stand against US advisors sent to train a poor weak democracy in a jungle region crawling with communists?
Many people want sizzle. Go for it Huck. We can look up the details on his site if we want steak.
I didn’t like the commercial at all. I feel at this time in history that we need to take everything a little more seriously. It makes me wonder how serious he is for what he stands for.
Unfortunately, I think he is being “forced” to comply with the entertainment standards of our culture. It may not even be part of his nature to joke around and carouse with celebrities, but knows it is necessary to break through to our shallow society. Most Americans, whether they want to admit it or not, become more sympathetic to a cause when they are entertained or have the backing of a celebrity. Politics is a a lot like the Wizard in the “Wizard of Oz”. It takes a lot of “bells and whistles” to get your point across and be taken seriously.
I think it’s great. For almost any other politician considering the Presidency, it’s always about ME, ME, ME. I think it’s wonderful to see a guy actually defer somewhat to another. The Chuck Norris jokes are some of the most popular ones out there and I think it’s a stroke of self-depricating genius to have the courage and confidence to make a commercial like that….I hope to see more.
I think the ad may appeal to some, and every little bit helps.
Personally, I am not a Huckabee fan and do not see him as
a serious candidate, so the ad is neither positive nor negative
from my perspective.
Jack Ott
Scott, I’m just afraid that the steak is going to end up being ground round. Check this out:
I thought it was lackluster with real political agendas. However, this may be an outreach to the (as we talk about with our work cabal) the politically less astute. If you cannot reach some Americans with logical well rounded and educated discussion. This may be Huck’s way of doing so.
I like Huckabee…….is he perfect? Not likely but given the presidential population we have to choose from, Huck’s head and shoulders above the vomit crowd.
Consider our choices…..we still have a choice until the nomination process is closed. I sent him a donation……….first and only so far. It takes more than simply agreeing he has presidential qualities….if we don’t put some “rubber on the road” he won’t move.
I believe the ads with Chuck Norris are not something positive for Huckabee’s campaign. While I am not necessarily a Huckabee fan, I am a Conservative Republican. I just don’t think they “fit the mold” so to speak.
I can’t see why we don’t forget this “star power” advertising and get back to the issues. The elections have become a popularity contest fueled by Hollywood.