Some of you may need the Kleenex, but I must confess that as I put this video tribute together and watched it three times for my final approval, I smiled the whole time. That is just an indication of how wonderful a son Eddie was. This video is for so many of you who have written me and said you feel as though you know Eddie, so here are some pictures to help.
Even though this video may cause you to shed a tear, my prayer is that it will bring you great joy. It gives me joy, brings a smile on my face, and blesses God for His precious gift of a son.
I love you Jesus!
Dear Brother Dave,
I have just watched this touching video. I am almost speechless with emotions. The music was wonderfully moving and spoke to my heart. The pictures of your son and your family speak of happier times and warm memories. I cannot imagine how difficult and painful all of this must be for you and your family. I can only pray that God will continue to comfort you all by His Spirit.
May God use this video to touch thousands with the Love of Christ as you honor your son,
Cliff Jones
Beautifully done – a life of a beautiful young man.
I smiled, because in his smile I see the waves in the pool of life that Eddie made – not just ripples, but large waves. He will ever be in my heart!
I love you David. You and Eddie are my heroes.
We love you too Minji. Eddie and Becky always remembered their Aunt Minji and how she would say, “That’s so trippy.” LOL
Powerful video David…..
What a beautiful tribute to Eddie! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are so sorry for your loss but praising God with you that Eddie is now walking the streets of gold and living in the mansion prepared for him.
“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”–John 41:1-2
In Christ
The Fowler Family
That was beautiful Dave- I smiled as I watched him grow up- he looks like any other kid- but turned into an extrodinary young man and hero. I can’t imagine it- I look at my own son and see him as Eddie did way back when- I pray I never have to go through burying him- but I also pray that no matter what, he will know Christ and do His will- the way you taught your precious boy- no matter the cost- God Bless you guys- I love you. Carolyn
What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful young man and those special family and friends that he touched in such a short time here with us. Thank you for sharing him and thank you for supporting him in protecting our freedom and liberty. Sometimes hope doesn’t ride alone with many hearts by his side.
It’s been months since our first correspondence when I wanted to reach out to Eddie and let him know that Hope does not ride alone after reading his article sent to me by a dear friend and you answered in his stead. I wanted to let Eddie know that it struck a cord with me as a Patriotic American because it was so poignant and eloquent and true and I recall it was spoken in the words of a man well beyond Eddie’s years, even though he himself was only a few years out of his teens, undoubtedly because he grew up and had to lead in War.
As you know I was heartbroken to hear that Eddie was killed in Iraq, like I am every time we hear news that we have lost more troops, but his death especially hit home because his message was so powerful and I was saddened that he would no longer be able to spread that message but then I realized and knew that it was only Eddie’s mission to deliver the message but it is our mission as Americans to carry it out. And we will. Don’t worry Eddie we will. Eddie’s moving powerful words will live on as his legacy, and I pray that no troop will be forgotten because of the message he helped spread.
As a faithful woman I believe that while God may have called Eddie Home way too soon for us that his death was His will and Eddie is in the Arms of our Savior Jesus Christ.
I don’t know who stated that there are only two people in the history of the world willing to die for our Freedom, Jesus Christ and The American Soldier but it is my one of my favorites. Eddie was the latter and we are so blessed he will live eternally with the former. God Bless Eddie and the Jeffers family. Thank you Eddie for paying the ultimate sacrifice for your Country and may God’s Peace Be With You All. You and every troop serving will never again ride alone.
Very Respectively,
Corinne C. Meadows
Former Capt USAF, NC
And proud wife to a husband currently serving in Afghanistan
What a beautiful tribute, David. God Bless you Eddie and your entire family.
My dear Brother-in-Christ David,
I loved the video, it is such a brave thing for you to have done. But it helps us all know Eddie a little bit better. It was wonderful to see him as obviously such a happy young boy. It warmed my heart. We didn’t get to see him grow up but we always have felt like you and your family are just an extension of ours. I will be sending this site to many people I know to continue on with the message that Eddie started. His article “Hope Rides Alone” has been such an inspiration to many to continue to lift up all of our Service Men and Women in prayer whenever we think of them and see them here back in the States. God Bless You David and your family too. Thank You Jesus for being our Redeemer.
Brother Dave,
Thank you for the wonderful tribute to Eddie thru the video. Very well done! My heart goes out to you and the entire Jeffers family at this time of great loss. Hope to see you soon. God Bless! Randy Ritchie
Thank you for sharing the precious light that God has held upon you and your family. This tribute has forever deepened my patriotism and love of God through your acts of generosity… God Bless.