All of you saw the reply that Dr. Alan Keyes sent out in response to yesterday’s devotional. I must apologize for not keeping your emails private when I built my new devotional group list, but then each of you got to personally read Dr. Keyes’ words. I’ve since...
I received the following reply from Dr. Alan Keyes to my devotional “Despairing of Everyone.” You can read more of Dr. Keyes’ brilliant writing at his website, “Loyal to Liberty.” It is linked under my Citizen Action links. Dave, The...
Aletheia is a Greek philosophical word that means truthfulness that corresponds to reality. This means we can trust Biblical, aletheia, truth because it is true and it is real. It is undeniable. Do people deny this truth? Of course, but it does not make it any less...
I realize I should have assigned both chapters 1 & 2 of Romans as we look at the first two verses of chapter 2: “Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice...
It occurs to me that if we are to go forward with declaring and defending the aletheia truth, then we must ensure we are following such truth. There are many doctrines out there about salvation and I want us to look at Biblical salvation. For if I am to reach...