This Will Be Their Great Security

In case you were never taught this in government schools, today is the 237th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. A Massachusetts colonist resistance group known as the Sons of Liberty, lead by Samuel Adams, disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians and dumped 342 chests...

The Capacity of Mankind

Two hundred twenty-nine (229) years ago today the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the US Constitution, was ratified by the last state, Virginia. The Bill of Rights is a magnificent document, an integral part to our Charters of Freedom. I cannot help but...

His Justice Cannot Sleep Forever

Should evangelical politics be partisan? If truth be told all politics are partisan; we align with those of like values. However, authors Michael Gerson and Peter Wehner have published a book titled City of Man: Religion in a New Era and in the book they make the case...

Pressing Toward The Goal

Life sure can throw us the proverbial curve ball. Death, divorce, and diversions to our life plans test our will to carry on in this great adventure. How do we continue in life when life itself is crashing down around us? First understand that believing life is...

Fathers Bury Their Sons

Sixty-nine years ago today the Japanese launched, what was believed to be impossible, a surprise attack on the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The death and destruction in just two wave attacks was devastating: 4 battleships sunk and 4 battleships damaged...