And In His Word I Do Hope

Is that you? Do you hope in God’s Word? Last night Karen and I visited our friends Dino and Jeannette. Dino is dying from cancer and the ravages to his body are very apparent. I don’t know quite what I expected, but what we saw was not part of that. I wasn’t...

We Miss The Rescue

Last night a young lady from our church wrote this on her Facebook page: Does it ever make you stop and think of how deep His love is for us when you read “O Lord, You have searched me and known me”-Psalm 139:1 and still even knowing all the terrible...

Proclaim The Good News

A young man in our Sunday school class just recently got saved; in fact I found out about it last Sunday. I was so overjoyed to know that he had become my brother in Christ. He is a quiet, humble man and to know that he has accepted Christ’s salvation is worthy of...

The Oil Of Relationships

I was reading the proverb for the day, Proverb 19, and discovered this lovely nugget: “The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression.” (Proverbs 19:11) What is King Solomon talking about here, overlooking a...

The Immovable Foundation

I received this response to yesterday’s devotional: Wisdom the cement. I never thought of it that way but oh how true. The worst part of not seeking wisdom is when JESUS lets one of his wise teachers impart it & the listeners refuse to accept it. Wisdom is the...