Time for Some Political and Moral Clarity

SIT UP AND LISTEN UP! CLASS IS IN SESSION!! America, including all you Obama mice, disconnect your four-point-of-contact and read slowly and out loud if necessary the two following articles. This is what is called speaking the plain truth, something most of you under...

An Inconvenient Truth

A very interesting development over at the American Digest and a hat tip to Larwyn Greer once again for alerting many of us in the blogosphere about this. Vanderleun has found some very inconvenient information about the President-elect. First remember yesterday Mr....

Mumbai Madness

A hat tip to Rurik for this slide presentation. This is quite a thorough explanation of what happened to the TERRORIST ATTACKSSSSS in Mumbai (Bombay), India. You are not going to see this in the mainstream media. Mumbai Attack (Please be patient while this is...

Christmas Dinner for Our Troops (Again)

Last year I posted an opportunity to make sure our troops in Hawaii, with many of them deployed, and their families had a wonderful Christmas dinner. That opportunity is available again this Christmas season. That seems fitting to post about today, the day that will...


The title is a rough translation for “Not Born Here” in Hawaiian. That is what the blog Earth Frisk is claiming and the evidence is compelling. Hat tip to Larwyn for this and thanks to Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs for providing the link! Make sure you...