Biden His Time

Well Obama and the smartest man in the world, Senator Joe Biden of Delaware, are the new hope of America. That may mean that McCain will go with Mitt Romney as V.P., which I’m no fan of. This will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Political Pandemonium

So the Olympics are almost over and America is turning into the home stretch towards electing a new president. So much to speak on so I promise to try to keep you up-to-date with all the latest going-ons. Who’s going to be Barack’s running mate? Who cares?...

McCain Campaign Video

This video is probably the best I’ve seen so far and the Bryan Duncan in this is the very same Bryan Duncan of Christian music fame. Enjoy!

Update on CPT Porter

Folks, it seems that I acted too soon and took CPT Porter’s words to heart and it seems as though the young captain is under some intense pressure. Lance Fairchok, who writes for the New Media Journal and I work with, sent me the following email. Lance is in...

Tuesday’s Tidbits

First I want to end an email rumor that has been swirling around the Internet about Barack Obama. The email is usually titled “From our friend who is serving in Afghanistan” or “Obama Ignores Troops” and it says this: Hello everyone, As you...