Automatically Under Suspicion

I remember watching Hannity and Colmes last year when the Reverend Jeremiah Wright was a guest and Sean Hannity was trying to question the senior pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ. Reverend Wright asked Hannity if he had read any of Dr. James Cone and...

The Love of a Father

Yesterday was 10 months to the day we lost Eddie. I love my son with a love unexplainable. I read about it in the Bible, but the Heavenly Father’s love for His Only Begotten Son makes my love for Eddie seem so small. And then there is the love of an earthly...

September 10, 2001

How many of you remember what you were doing on that day? I actually do; my wife and I were looking at a car and met a nice young man named Davey. On our way home we decided to buy the car and Karen said, “Make sure you let Davey sell it to you.” The next...


I wrote earlier “…I read an article of his in World magazine on his faith and perseverance facing cancer.” It was actually a Christianity Today article titled “Cancer’s Unexpected Blessings” and I encourage all of you to read...

The Passing of a Patriot

America has lost one of its great Christian patriots; however America’s loss is Heaven’s gain. Tony Snow went to be with Jesus at 2 a.m. this morning; he died at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C. I emailed Tony last year after I read an...