David Jeffers, author of “Salt and Light”, is a lay preacher, retired Army Master Sergeant and author of Understanding Evangelicals: A Guide to Jesusland. A Magna Cum Laude graduate of Liberty University where he received his degree in Biblical Studies,...
I did not believe my loathing for the New York Times could get any deeper than it has. From warning terrorists of our secret wiretapping program to running the despicable MoveON.org Betraeus Ad to “Smearing Soldiers,” the NY Times barely hides its attempts...
I owe my readers an apology. On January 5, 2008 in a post I wrote titled “The Real Reagan Conservative” I promised to continue my analysis of all the GOP candidates in light of the definition of Reagan Conservatism. Since we have only Mike Huckabee, Ron...
Well, did you get that special Valentines Day gift? Did it cost you a lot? Do you ever wonder why the hoopla about Valentines Day? The history of Valentines Day is actually very interesting and ancient, and contrary to popular myth, it was not invented by Hallmark....
Michelle Vu of The Christian Post has written an excellent article on the effects that liberal christianity is having on the threat of radical Islam. Michelle interviewed Patrick Sookhdeo, the director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity and a...