An old proverb passed down to modern times says that desperate times call for desperate measures. So what does that mean actually? It means Harry Reid has Bill Clinton in Nevada campaigning for him. And no doubt it was Harry and not Vegas Showgirls that was number one...
If Wednesday night’s interview with Mark Levin wasn’t enough to verify the Left’s fears and Beltway dumditry (dumb pundits pontificating), wait until you hear Sharron on Rush Limbaugh’s show as she’s interviewed by Mark Belling. I...
It is easy to want to give up when wickedness encircles us. At times we want only a peaceful existence unattached to the world. We who know Jesus as Lord and Savior long to be with Him in glory. David felt this way many times and he wrote in particular about one...
No, this is not a tribute you the John Lennon’s song. This blog does not tout humanist drivel. No, Imagine is the title of Steve Deace’s latest splendid blog post. In fact I think this piece by Steve is his best and so timely for this election season. It...
I went on KXNT with the Tea Party Express in Las Vegas to tell Nevada voters why I support Sharron Angle. I also called out Sue Lowden, called her shameless, for her questioning Sharron’s Christianity, implying that Sharron supports Scientology. SHAMELESS!!!!...