Believing vs. Being

If you knew someone was going to betray you, someone very close to you in whom you invested your heart and soul, could you still love them? Could you still love them as Christ commanded and portrayed for us when He washed His Disciples’ feet? Right before he gives...

Loving Jesus Like I Used To

Some like to call it backsliding. Sometimes it is simply open rebellion. For some, it can be a steady indifference brought on by a weak commitment. Jesus calls it “having fallen.” In the Book of Revelation, Jesus gives His approval to the Ephesian church, a...

The Voice of Hope

This past Sunday, my pastor Dr. Dennis Brunet, made a statement and encouraged us to write it down. Speaking on Jesus’ words in John 8:11 he said, “The voice of Jesus is the voice of hope.” I not only wrote it down, but I also decided to write a devotional about...

Picking A Fight with Letting Go

The late Billy Graham once wrote that 95% of Christians live spiritually-defeated lives. That means only 1 out of 20 Christians live the victorious Christian life. Why are so many blood-bought, born-again Christians being defeated? It is because they keep picking a...

Thanksliving Instead of Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Last Sunday, my pastor said we should practice thanksliving instead of thanksgiving. That really struck a chord in my heart, especially having just returned from our men’s retreat. I have so much to be thankful for, and yet many times you...