Hat tip to my brother in Christ Gary Gross from Min-uh-soo-tuh, yes the state who now has Senator Stuart Smalley representing the Land of a 10,000 Lakes, but I digress. Much happening on the health care front with the statists controlling the government and the Obama...
This morning I was invited to speak at the War Memorial Rally in Crestview, Florida but am unfortunatelty not able to attend because of a tight work schedule. However the wonderful Christian patriot Colonel Harry Riley of Patriots for America will be reading my...
I’ve been somewhat of a fan of Camille Paglia’s for some time now. Her latest column at Salon.com is a collection of answers to emails she received. Now mind you she is quite liberal in her political leanings, but she is far and wide one of the most...
Now I gave credit for Senator Obama’s forceful and forthright denunciation of the rumors being spread about Sarah Palin and her family. KUDOS! But Bill O’Reilly made an excellent point (hey, even a broke clock is right twice a day!). Barack Obama should...
So the Olympics are almost over and America is turning into the home stretch towards electing a new president. So much to speak on so I promise to try to keep you up-to-date with all the latest going-ons. Who’s going to be Barack’s running mate? Who cares?...