Things That Are Dangerously Real

Defeat can be overwhelming. Whether it is in the arena of business, politics, or sports, defeat is always a hard pill to swallow. However, those defeats are temporary. Voluminous are the accounts of athletes, entrepreneurs, and politicians coming back from “the...

Bearing Witness

Let me ask you a tough question up front and you can decide if you want to continue reading. How many times have you shared the gospel with someone? If most Christians were honest, my guess would be a shocking number would say never. Yes, a Christian who has received...

The Word Living Among Us

The Greek logos means “word,” and the Apostle John is the only New Testament writer who uses it to describe Christ. It denotes a collection of words or ideas and can represent what we think and what we express. Logos has been used to express the law and wisdom of...

Telling Jesus To Go

Imagine Jesus performing a miracle in your hometown and the business leaders asking him to leave because Christ was bad for business. Could there ever be a situation where man would choose profit over the Prophet? It happens all the time. In fact, it happened to...

It’s All Because of Jesus

I awoke this morning with the song “All Because of Jesus” running through my mind. Our praise band did the song this past Sunday. It’s wonderful to wake up with a praise song running through your head. That in itself is a work of grace. It is also an important...