Four Questions For America! – Introduction

As you know I have long proclaimed the need for pastors across America to preach God’s Word unapologetically and unashamedly. If we can find pastors willing to boldly preach the Word and comment on today’s societal ills, perhaps our county can be saved....

More Than My Necessary Food

In this day and age of appetite suppressants and obesity, the last thing most Americans need is an increased appetite. Physically speaking I definitely don’t need my appetite increased. But what about spiritually? I would feel safe in saying that 90% of you...

Not Unworthy Of The Name

Francis Scott Key Are we a Christian nation? I tackled this question in my book: Many evangelicals lament the decline of the nation stating that we are a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles. They are only half-right. We are an apostate nation that...

Accommodate Their Discourses To The Times

NOTE: Truly I was not fully conscious when I wrote yesterday’s email/devotional. Mike is not in Afghanistan; his location is not important only his mission. Wendy is not the name of the wife of Keith Green; it is Melody. I knew better on both accounts; I plead lack...

Confronting The Spin On The Fort Hood Massacre

Folks, if you remember the coverage of the Fort Hood shootings, you saw a media, including FOXNews with Shepard Smith primarily, refusing to call the attack was it was. Well there is a new media outlet that some of you are very familiar with because my late son...