One of my favorite Founding Father quotes is from Samuel Adams:
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”
My good friend Lance Fairchok has written on American Thinker a scathing article of the same title as this post. Lance takes to task the conservative elitism of Washington D.C.
This is the type of plain-spokenness we need more from the conservative movement.
Bravo Lance!
Here’s the link:
May Posterity Forget You Were Our Countrymen
Conservatism, Constitution, Corruption, Culture, Democrats, election, History, Judiciary, McCain, Media, Morality, Obama, pacifism, Palin, Patriotism, Politics, Republicans, RINOs
That’s a good article. It’s much easier for people to compromise when they are amid other people who are doing the same. People in general, I have learned, don’t like to be individuals, because first, that causes them to remember that they will be judged by God, and second, they can’t excuse themselves as much if they misbehave. But if the whole group is doing it, it’s so much easier. (How else is the phenomenon explained of almost every federal agency ignoring the problem of communist infiltration in the 30s and beyond as they saw that all the other agencies were?) I don’t know how people cannot take it more seriously whom they’re endorsing for political office. There is, of course, “the party line” excuse, but it’s people like former Republican Colin Powell endorsing someone who is ashamed of the flag (Obama) that baffle me most. Call if naivete if you will, but I was really perplexed yesterday to see all the candlelight vigil pictures on the internet, of people mourning George Tiller. By no means was it right for Tiller’s murderer to do what he did, but it seems to me that with Kathleen Sebelius and other wicked people protecting Tiller, and him usually having bodyguards and bullet-proof glass, God uses a sinful act (murder) to judge this man Tiller. The Montana private plane crash that killed the descendants of abortion industry mogul Feldkamp seems to also have been a judgment of God, especially because it was just that family and some of their friends ( ).